There are numerous options available for customizing your map drawing in Aqua Map, ranging from adding additional layers like Satellite imagery to adjusting depth coloring and customizing icons and text size.
Additional layers
This is the list of the additional data you can add to the basic nautical charts from the main Settings page:
- Land data: Enable the display of complete cartography for the land part, including streets, highways, buildings, forests, and more.
- Online satellite images: Enable the display of satellite images as a layer on top of the map. A slider will appear on the map display to adjust the opacity of the satellite images .
- Paper charts overlay: Enable the display of additional raster charts overlaid onto the vector charts. A slider will appear on the map display to adjust the opacity of the raster charts. NOTE: Available only in certain areas.
- Tides & Currents: Enable the display for Tide and Tidal current stations as icons on the map.
NOTE: currently T&C are available only for the North America and Oceania. - Fishing charts: (see the Fishing charts settings page for more details) you can enable the display of the a special set of charts dedicated to the fishing.
NOTE: Fishing charts are currently available only in US and Italy. - Marine forecast:(see the Marine forecast settings page for more details) Enable and configure the overlay of Marine forecast data on the map. Options include Surface currents, Wind, Waves, Gusts, Sea surface temperature and Salinity.
- Weather buoys:(see the Marine forecast settings page for more details) Enable the overlay of icons representing weather buoys, providing real-time weather conditions at their locations.
- AIS targets: (see the AIS Integration page for more details) Enable the overlay of AIS targets received through your Wi-Fi connections.
- USACE surveys: (see the USACE settings page for more details) Enable the overlay of US Army Corps of Engineers hydrographic surveys data on the map.
- Coast Guard data: (see the USCG and NAVWARNs setting pages for more details) Enable the overlay of Coast Guard data on the map.
- Live Sharing: (see the Live Sharing settings page for more details) you can enable the overlay of the other Aqua Map users.
- ActiveCaptain: (see the ActiveCaptain settings page for more details) you can enable the overlay of the data from the ActiveCaptain community on the map.
- Waterway Guide:(see the Waterway Guide settings page for more details) you can enable the overlay of the data from the Waterway Guide community on the map.
Map colouring
In order to change the coloring of your map you have 3 options in the main Settings menu:
- Map Appearance: Here, you can select between the Day or Night map drawing style. The "Auto" setting automatically switches between Day or Night style based on the device appearance (Light or Dark) setting. Note: Night mode is intended for use in low luminosity conditions; under direct sunlight or bright conditions, the contrast may be too low.
- Depth Coloring: Here, you can choose the shading style for depth areas. "Standard" draws depth areas as in paper charts, starting from blue for the shallowest depth and fading to white for areas deeper than 20m. "Natural", on the other hand, attempts to replicate natural sea colors, starting from white for shallow depths and darkening to deep blue for areas deeper than 3500m. Note: This feature is not compatible with areas using Raster charts.
- Safety Depth: Here, you can set your safety depth. This value determines the limit of blue-shaded depth areas. Depth areas deeper than the "Safety Depth" will be shaded white, while areas shallower than the "Safety Depth" will remain blue-shaded as before. Note: This feature is not compatible with areas using Raster charts.
Map visibility
There is a dedicated page to select the size for most of the icons and texts present on the map and you can reach this page from the main Settings menu.
To enhance clarity, the options have been organized into categories, considering the various types of icons and texts
At the bottom of the page, you'll find a "Restore Defaults" button to reset all icon and text sizes to their original settings.
Map data
The initial group comprises all elements constituting the base cartography.
- Map icons size: Adjusts the size of most icons included in the basic cartography. Changes in size will be proportional, maintaining the relative ratios between different icons (smaller icons will remain smaller). NOTE: Some icons related to land data will not change in size (always kept small to prevent clutter).
- Map texts size: Adjusts the size of most text elements included in the basic cartography. Changes in size will be proportional, maintaining the relative ratios between different texts. NOTE: Some texts related to land data will not change in size (always kept small to prevent clutter).
- Use patterns for map areas: Allows filling certain areas (e.g., Restricted areas, Anchor areas, etc.) with icons representing the area itself. This enhances map clarity but may increase clutter. Use this option to decide whether to display these icons.
User data
The next group includes all the elements that belong to the user (routes, tracks and markers).
- Marker icon size: Select your preferred size of the marker icon
- Show marker names on map: Enable the drawing on the map of the marker's name (just below the corresponding icon).
- Track/Route width: Select the preferred width of the lines representing tracks and routes on the map.
Additional data
This includes all the additional elements you can overlay on the basic cartography; if a setting is disabled it means the corresponding data has not been enabled.
- Live Sharing icons
- Tide & Current icons
- AIS target icons: Select the preferred size for the AIS target icons on the map.
NOTE: changing the size of the icons will also change the size of the texts (the boat name) shown on the map. - ActiveCaptain icons: Select a preferred size to view ActiveCaptain icons on the map.
NOTE: changing the size of the icons, may also change the size of the text (the object name) shown on the map (if enabled with the below switch).
ActiveCaptain names on map: Enable the object you want to view on the map (just below the corresponding icon).
NOTE: when enabled the names will be displayed only at detailed scales. - Waterway Guide icons: Select a preferred size of the Waterway Guide icons.
NOTE: changing the size of the icons, will also change the size of the text (the object name) drawn on the map (if enabled with the below switch).
Waterway Guide names on map: Enable the display of the objects name on the map (just below the corresponding icon).
NOTE: when enabled the names will be shown only at detailed scales. - Weather stations icon: Select a preferred size of the Weather buoy icons on the map.
- Weather icons: Select your preferred size of the Weather icons (Surface currents, Wind, Waves, Gusts, Sea surface temperature and Salinity).
- USCG icons: Select the preferred size of the US Coast Guard icons on the map.
NOTE: changing the size of the icons will also change the size of the buoy number text (shown near the icons itself). - CCG NAVWARNs icon: Select the preferred size of the Canada Coast Guard icons on the map.